Psychopompos - a new mythology
Olympians & Gods of Psychopompos - a new mythology
ZEUS, King of Olympus and the Sky, God of Thunder,
his siblings:
HERA, his sister-wife, Queen of Olympus, the Goddess of Marriage,
their children:
ARES, an Olympian, the God of War,
HERMES, an Olympian, Messenger God of Olympus, betrothed in secret to the mortal ICARUS,
HERMES-PSYCHOPOMPOS, an aspect of HERMES, the Psychopomp of Greece,
HERA’s son, born from striking Olympus seven times in rage:
HEPHAESTUS, an Olympian, God of Fire and the Forge,
DEMETER, an Olympian, the Goddess of the Harvest and Grain, Patron of Gaia,
her daughters with ZEUS:
DIONYSUS, an Olympian, the Goddess of Wine, Drunken Revelry and Ritual Madness,
PERSEPHONE, the Goddess of Flowers and Renewal, engaged to EURYDICE, a dryad,
POSEIDON, an Olympian, King of the Sea, God of Storms,
his son with AMPHRITITE:
TRITON, the Sea Prince,
HADES, God of the Underworld and King of the Dead, cheated out of the sky by ZEUS,
HESTIA, former Goddess of the Hearth, who was forgotten by the Greeks,
ZEUS’ daughter, born fully formed from his forehead:
ATHENA, an Olympian, the Goddess of War, Wisdom and Art,
ZEUS’ children with LETO, the Hidden Goddess of Oblivion:
ARTEMIS, the Moon, Goddess of the Wild the Hunt,
APOLLO, the Sun, the God of Light, Truth and Prophecy,
his daughter with the dryad, DAPHNE:
EURYDICE, a laurel nymph, engaged to PERSEPHONE,
APHRODITE, shape-shifting Goddexx of Love,
APHRODITE-NEMESIS, an aspect of APHRODITE, the one who gives what is due,
their children with ARES:
EROS, the God of Queer Love and Love Given, married to the mortal made god, PSYCHE, the Soul of Humanity, the Goddess of Reciprocated Love,
HARMONIA, the Goddess of Harmony and Concord, who holds ERIS, the Goddess of Strife and Discord within her,
their son with HERMES:
PAN, a satyr, the God of the Wild,
THE MUSES, birthed in a nine day orgy by APHRODITE, ARTEMIS, DIONYSUS and PAN:
CALLIOPE, Chief Muse and the Muse of Eloquence and Poetry,
CLIO, the Muse of History,
ERATO, the Muse of Erotic Verse,
EUTERPE, the Muse of Music,
MELPOMENE, the Muse of Tragedy,
POLYHYMNIA, the Muse of Hymn,
TERPSICHORE, the Muse of Dance,
THALIA, the Muse of Comedy,
URANIA, the Muse of Astronomy.
Chthonians of Psychopompos - a new mythology
NYX, the Beginning, so-called Goddess of Night,
their children:
THANATOS, the Idol of Death, twin brother of HYPNOS,
THANATOS-KERES, an aspect of THANATOS, Idol of Violent Death,
THANATOS-MAKARIA, an aspect of THANATOS, Idol of Blessed Death,
HYPNOS, the Idol of Sleep, twin brother of THANATOS,
CHARON, Ferryman of the River Styx.
CLOTHO, THE SPINNER, the maiden who spins the thread of life,
LAKHESIS, THE APPORTIONER, the lady who measures the thread of life,
ATROPOS, THE INEVITABLE, the crone who cuts the thread of life,
CHORUS, masked servants of NYX,
The Rivers of the Underworld:
AKHERON, the river of misery and woe,
MNEMOSYNE, the hidden river of memory,
LETHE, the river of forgetfulness,
PYRIPHLEGETHON, the river of fire,
KOKYTOS, the river of wailing,
STYX, the river of hatred and oaths.
Mortals & Other Characters of Psychopompos - a new mythology
ALECTRYON, a war hero and leader of the Sacred Band of Thebes, the Champion and mortal lover of ARES,
AMPHION OF THEBES, a mortal who was gifted music and song by the MUSES, lover of HERMES,
APOLLONIUS OF RHODES, an inspired poet,
ARAKHNE, a skilled weaver who defies ATHENA,
BAUCIS and PHILEMON, an elderly couple who receive mysterious visitors,
DAEDALUS, a famed Athenian architect, designer of the Labyrinth of Minos,
his son:
ICARUS, a mortal secretly betrothed to HERMES,
EKHO, an Oread of Mt. Cithaeron, mother of PAN’s children,
GANYMEDE, a young mortal shepherd brought to Olympus by ZEUS to be his consort,
IASION, an agricultural hero, the Champion and lover of DEMETER,
KING CADMUS OF THEBES, the hero king of Thebes, husband of HARMONIA,
MARSYAS, a satyr, friend of PAN,
MEDEA, THE WITCH OF COLCHIS, a powerful witch, wed to the great hero JASON OF THE ARGONAUTS,
their children:
ALCIMENES and TISANDER, twin boys,
MEDUSA, one of the Gorgons, whose gaze turns men to stone,
NARKISSOS, a beautiful mortal who refuses APHRODITE,
his lover, AMENIAS, who died by suicide,
ORPHEUS, a musician and lyric poet, favorite of both APOLLO and DIONYSUS,
PROMETHEUS, a Titan, who created humanity from clay and gave them fire.
PYTHIA, THE ORACLE OF DELPHI, an oracle in service to GAIA, who is stolen by APOLLO,
QUEEN NIOBE OF TANTALUS, the proud queen of Tantalus.