What You Get For Supporting

Donation levels denoted with a * must be entered as a custom amount.

  • Mortal ($5) Social Media Shoutout

  • Oracle ($10) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Sticker & Thank You Postcard

  • Nymph ($25) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Sticker & Thank You Postcard, Digital Download of Soundtrack, Magnet

  • Muse ($50) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Digital Download of Soundtrack, Recorded Thank You, Thank You Note & Merch

  • Hero ($75) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Digital Download of Soundtrack, Recorded Thank You, Thank You Note & Merch, Early access to episodes

  • Champion ($100) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Digital Download of Soundtrack, Recorded Thank You, Thank You Note & Merch, Early access to episodes, Signed Poster

  • Titan ($150) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Digital Download of Soundtrack, Recorded Thank You, Thank You Note & Merch, Early access to episodes, Invitation to a Live Recording

  • God ($200) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Digital Download of Soundtrack, Recorded Thank You, Thank You Note & Merch, Early access to episodes, Invitation to a Live Recording, Donor Event

  • Olympian* ($250) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Digital Download of Soundtrack, Recorded Thank You, Thank You Note & Merch, Early access to episodes, Invitation to the Launch Party, Donor Event, Invitation to a Script Reading

  • Chtonian* ($300) Social Media Shoutout, Mention on Website, Digital Download of Soundtrack, Recorded Thank You, Thank You Note & Merch, Early access to episodes, Invitation to a Live Recording, Donor Event, Invitation to a Script Reading, Sponsor an Episode!

What Your Supporting

Your contributions to this project will help fund a multi-season epic told by 20+ multi-disciplinary artists. Our funding will go first and foremost toward the actors' and crew's (composer, sound, art, and management) pay; it will also help fund our recording spaces (both studio and live recordings), as well as our marketing and branding endeavors.

  • Cast, Creative, and Production stipends, giving money back to 20+ artists who have committed their work to this piece.

  • Space rentals that might be needed for live recordings, as well as equipment rentals and purchases to support those recordings.

  • Food so we can feed our people on long days.

  • Merchandise to help us get the word out about the podcast.

  • Discretionary funds to cover expenses like website hosting and incidentals that arise mid-process.

We have several tiers of perks, ranging from personalized thank-yous and shoutouts on the podcast to script-reading invitations and tickets to live recordings (done here in Chicago in partnership with local performance and creative groups).

All funds earned will go back into the podcast to cover production costs for the next round of episodes.

By helping fund this podcast, you'll play an integral role in getting these stories out into the world. As a troupe, we have worked together on large-scale projects for almost a decade, with performances across Chicago.

The Impact

Psychopompos - a new mythology amplifies queer, trans, and female voices to tell the story of people who have always been there, but rarely are heard.

This is an ambitious piece of storytelling that has been years in the works. It has changed mediums and survived the pandemic. We are committed to bringing this world to life and know that everyone who listens will find something that speaks to them.

Other Ways You Can Help

We have been fully self-funded and self-produced to this point, but now want to expand the podcast's reach.

We are grateful for every donation and all the word of mouth we can get about this project.

We're looking forward to sharing our version of Greek mythology with you.