A Myth - The Weaving Contest

“Well, girl. Let’s see what you can do.”

Psychopompos - a new mythology takes on a very famous myth, The Weaving Contest, which pits the famed and arrogant mortal weaver Arakhne against the Goddess of the Loom, Athena. Narrated by Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry and the Chief Muses, she paints the scene as Arakhne disparages Athena to Pan and his friend, the satyr Marsyas, until the great goddess arrives to put her in her place.

Content Warning: Explicit Language, Violence.

Cast & Crew

  • Pixie Leona as Arakhne

  • Valerie Lyvers as Athena/Old Woman

  • Anya Clingman as Calliope

  • Miguel Long as Pan

  • Mandyn Mueller as Marsyas

  • Rachel Staelens, director, producer

  • Joe Palermo, director of sound

  • Roy Freeman, composer & musical director


  • Click HERE for a transcript of the full chapter (not for reuse).

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Chapter 1 - The Eagle


An Omen at Pytho, Prologue