New episodes coming soon!

Introducing: Vigil
Introduction Rachel Staelens Introduction Rachel Staelens

Introducing: Vigil

Psychopompos - a new mythology would like to introduce Vigil, a superhero thriller about a hero the world forgot and all the secrets he tried to expose. Season 2 begins March 7th.

Set in a future similar to our present, Vigil takes place in a world where superhero conglomerates have taken charge of the health and safety of the general population. The podcast starts when investigative journalist, Maria Kennedy, sets out to do a special report on the life and career of recently deceased support hero, Vigil. Maria gets more than what she bargained for when her investigation leads her to uncover some of the super heroic industry’s darkest secrets.

Fans of Limetown and The Beautiful Liar will love this show.

Vigil can be found anywhere you listen to podcasts. For credits, transcripts, and more info, visit

Season 2 of Vigil will be crowdfunding soon. Episode 1 of Season 2 will drop on March 7th, the same day as their crowdfundr. And if you donate that same day, you’ll have access to episode 2 of Season 2 that same day.

Season 2 will feature returning cast members and the addition of performers like Emily Marso and Marielle Issa, and more to be announced.

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Join us for a LIVE recording of The Weeping Stone
Announcement Tate A. Geborkoff Announcement Tate A. Geborkoff

Join us for a LIVE recording of The Weeping Stone

Psychopompos - a new mythology presents a live recording of The Weeping Stone with the Trap Open Series.

Audience members will participate in a live recording of the myth The Weeping Stone, and will have the opportunity to help create crowd sounds and be guided through an hour long interactive performance.

The performances are on Saturday, October 5th at 7:00pm and 8:30pm. Tickets are $20, and can be purchased directly from Trap Door’s website -

Content Warning: Explicit Language, Violence

Want to support Psychopompos? Visit our donation page at and partake of some great perks while contributing to this work.

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A Myth - The Lyrist Of Thebes
Book 1, Myth Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Myth Tate A. Geborkoff

A Myth - The Lyrist Of Thebes

Psychopompos - a new mythology continues in The Lyrist of Thebes, Euterpe’s retelling of the love between Hermes and Amphion. Amphion, an incredibly gifted musician from Thebes, enchants Hermes with his powerful voice and music, but in doing so, invites the wrath of Hermes' mother, Hera. Despite her threats and warnings from the God of War, they devote themselves to each other and vow to wed

Content Warning: Explicit Language, Sexual Content, Violence

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Chapter 3 - Phaedo
Book 1, Chapter Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Chapter Tate A. Geborkoff

Chapter 3 - Phaedo

Chapter 3 of Psychopompos - a new mythology opens in a cave somewhere in Greece as Medusa seethes with rage for the gods who destroyed her life, vowing terrible revenge. Looming marriages occupy the minds of Icarus and Psyche, who contemplate his upcoming wedding to Hermes, as well as Persephone and Eurydice, who wish to be past the pomp of a divine ceremony, so they may begin living their lives. Finally, in Zeus’ great throne room, Ganymede struggles with his new position as cupbearer to the King, and the threat of Eros’ devastating arrows.

Content Warning: Dialogue about Rape, Explicit Language, Sexual Content, Violence

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Chapter 2 - No One Dies From Love
Book 1, Chapter Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Chapter Tate A. Geborkoff

Chapter 2 - No One Dies From Love

Chapter 2 of Psychopompos - a new mythology opens at dawn in Aphrodite's temple, where Psyche wakes to Apollo's mocking sun on her face, before introducing us to Ares, the God of War, and his fiery relationship with Aphrodite, the shapeshifting Goddexx of Love, as they unfold their designs for Olympus. Meanwhile, under Mt. Etna, Hephaestus and his divine forge continue work on a god-slaying weapon with the assistance of the Idol of Death, Thanatos. Finally, high in a prison tower, Icarus and his father Daedalus rue the circumstances which led them to this place, before being interrupted by Hermes, the Psychopomp and Messenger of Olympus, who wants to visit with Icarus, his secret fiancé.

Content Warning: Dialogue about Rape, Explicit Language, Sexual Content, Violence

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A Myth - The Oread
Book 1, Myth Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Myth Tate A. Geborkoff

A Myth - The Oread

Psychopompos - a new mythology continues in The Oread, Calliope’s retelling of the myth of Ekho. Ekho is an oread, a nymph of the mountain Cithaeron, and despite Pan’s warnings, she helps Zeus hide from Hera, who is trying to catch him in the act of cheating. Using her gifted voice to distract, she tests the limits of Hera’s patience, while desperately seeking the adoration of the King of Gods.

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Chapter 1 - The Eagle
Book 1, Chapter Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Chapter Tate A. Geborkoff

Chapter 1 - The Eagle

Chapter 1 of Psychopompos - a new mythology opens in Oblivion, where Nyx hatches Phanes’ World Egg and sets the stage for violence, vengeance and a war for the throne of the gods.

As Zeus surprises two of his children, Athena and Apollo, with a sudden plan to exile Hera and put a mortal he just met in her place. Hera, meanwhile, throws a bridal shower for Persephone and Eurydice, whose upcoming wedding is hoped to calm tensions on Olympus. In the center of it all is Aphrodite, the shape-shifting Goddexx of Love, who seemingly comes as both an antagonistic flirt and powerful puppeteer.

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A Myth - The Weaving Contest
Book 1, Myth Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Myth Tate A. Geborkoff

A Myth - The Weaving Contest

Psychopompos - a new mythology takes on a very famous myth, The Weaving Contest, which pits the famed and arrogant mortal weaver Arakhne against the Goddess of the Loom, Athena. Narrated by Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry and the Chief Muses, she paints the scene as Arakhne disparages Athena to Pan and his friend, the satyr Marsyas, until the great goddess arrives to put her in her place.

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An Omen at Pytho, Prologue
Book 1, Prologue, Omen Tate A. Geborkoff Book 1, Prologue, Omen Tate A. Geborkoff

An Omen at Pytho, Prologue

Psychopompos - a new mythology continues with Apollo dragging his twin sister, Artemis, to Gaia’s navel, where he plans to found the Apollonian Dynasty. But after killing Gaia’s child, the great serpent Python, and trying to claim her famed oracle of Delphi, the two gods realize there is more to these crimes than initially appears. This episode concludes the Prologue of Psychopompos - a new mythology.

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Teaser 1                                             A Myth: The Weaving Contest
Teaser Tate A. Geborkoff Teaser Tate A. Geborkoff

Teaser 1 A Myth: The Weaving Contest

In this teaser, listeners can enjoy a first frolic through the lush world of “Psychopompos - a new mythology.” Immerse yourself in the opening moment of our take on the ancient myth “The Weaving Contest”.

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