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Teaser 4: An Omen at Pytho
In this brief teaser, you will hear a scene from An Omen at Pytho, part 2 of the prologue to Psychopompos - a new mythology. Hear the Oracle’s omen on February 19.
In this brief teaser, you will hear a scene from MEDEAMYTH, Prologue 1 of Psychopompos - a new mythology.
Teaser 2 A Myth: The Oread
Let this teaser from The Oread carry you away to the intrigues of Mt. Cithaeron.
Teaser 1 A Myth: The Weaving Contest
In this teaser, listeners can enjoy a first frolic through the lush world of “Psychopompos - a new mythology.” Immerse yourself in the opening moment of our take on the ancient myth “The Weaving Contest”.